Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Sunshine in Nebraska has returned

Well, probably nobody will look at this site anymore because I had previously decided to only have one family page! Yet, since the sunshine returned to Nebraska, I decided it was time that I helped the sunshine stay. We have almost made it through the first year of law school. It has been difficult, yet rewarding. I have never learned more about faith than I have in the last year. The Lord has blessed us, but he has allowed us the opportunity to put our trust in Him. I never knew it would be so hard. Shouldn't you have it down by 26 years old?
Our baby is beautiful. He just had a birthday, and he makes us remember that there are still miracles on the Earth. He laughs all the time and enjoys books more than anything.
David and I are so happy. We feel so blessed. Everyday is a learning experience, and we see the Lord's hand in our lives daily.
So, if you make it back to this site, just remember
The Sunshine has returned to Nebraska; hopefully forever!


Anonymous said...

People should read this.